Dropout in adolescence

A recent NOVA report by Anders Bakken, has put the spotlight on a major problem experienced in children's and youth sports.
Without going too deep into demographic and geographical differences that can have an impact, some interesting findings emerge in the report regarding the dropout rate in adolescence (13-18 years):
- The sports team is of great importance as a training venue for youth. Overall, 37 percent of all workouts happen within the confines of a sports team
- 20 percent of those who quit organized sports in adolescence completely stop exercising
- Adolescents who quit youth sports differ from those who continue, in areas such as quality of life, risk behaviors and participation in other extracurricular activities
- Training in sports teams is the strongest factor affecting how often adolescents are so physically active that they become breathless and sweaty
(Bakken, 2019; Position of sport in youth times)
According to the report, 75% of all young people aged 13-18 are either in a sports team or have participated while in middle school or high school.
Dropout is, of course, unavoidable, but the figures give an indication of where a possible improvement might occur. Var. The greatest dropout is experienced in the age group of 14-16 years.
(Bakken, 2019; Position of sport in youth times)
What do you think this is due to, and what measures should one take to keep the youth in the sport for the longest possible time? What does your team do?
Posted on Facebook 12.04.2019