From Bjarte: Dear all Learn Handball users

The first season of Learn Handball is coming to an end, which is why I am writing a few words to summarize our debut season.
As a start-up company, my brother Atle and I went into business a little nervously last summer. The planning phase had been long and the questionswere many. Is Learn Handball good enough? Anyone want to use Learn Handball? Capable of conveying our dream, to give every child in the world equal opportunities to thrive and experience mastery with handball, in a good enough way?
According to the feedback we have received, we can fortunately retrofit YES on everything, with more opportunities for improvement. We had a harvest with the correction of many small mistakes, which took a lot of time. We thank you for your patience with us during this phase! As we approached winter, Learn Handball began to work better and better, and we were able to seriously start developing the professional content of the system.
My dream has always been to get more children to play mermed ball, also outside the hall time. The dream is to see children trudging to school while bouncing a handball, or children playing handball games during recess at school. I hope more people think like me, that it's nice to have a self-handball wall in the living room. The fact that art and design lamps give way to playfulness on a few square meters I believe is a smart investment in fun and mastery.
In order to promote the ball, we developed Handball skills — fun, simple ball exercises kids should practice outside of training. The goal is to anchor the handball deeper in the children, which in turn will cause them to continue longer indoor sports.
Handball skills will be even cooler in the coming season, because I have a lot of good video material in place. By the way, I would like to take any tips from you on
In addition to Handball skills, this year we have also presented Learn from thestars - where idols show kids how to perform their special feats, shots andtricks. Important to point out, this is not about creating loners, but to arouse one-handball interest in the children. Perhaps the most important development at senior level in thismost years, in addition to sporting success, is that we bring out new imagesthat inspire the youngest. I feel absolutely confident that these examples discourage the desire to learn more, than the desire to become a pro. The feedback also confirms this, the kids think this is cool! I would therefore like to introduce new names the ice season to come, Nora Mørk, Stinebredal Oftedal and Niklas Landinare some of those who are now contributing in the next phase of Learn from the stars.
We are working hard to make our training plans ever better. Here there will be some variations from season to season. One of the ideas being worked on is to bring in guest coaches who create one-month training plans their forechildren. E.g. “practice Spanish with Carlos Ortega” or “Henrik Kronborgshows how they train in Denmark”.
This summer I'm holding a handball camp in Sandefjord where viskal record even more exercises, to develop our library even more.This is the gold in Learn Handball that makes you as users constantly feel that we are creating value in your coaching life. Underlying it is about the benefit planning that makes it easier to carry out fun and developing trainings. But one should also not underestimate the value of being able to sit on the train on the way home, and find exactly the exercise that makes today's training great.
During the recording days, two focus areas where we have lacked content in the system are emphasized:
- Goalkeeper training — one of the areas in which Norwegian clubs have the least professional expertise.
- Injury prevention training — a critical area for improvement in Norwegian handball!
Severe cruciate ligament injuries in young peoplehave grown sharply in recent years, as a result of increased exercise and reduced leisure time in forests and fields. By embedding stabilization exercises in commonhandball exercises, heavy studies show that the number of cruciate ligament injuries halved (!) We need to take care of this.
In conclusion, I will Thank you for all the feedback we have received, both rice and praise. I would like to thank you for all the exciting start-up meetings you have had together, either on Skype or in the club office, and for all the conversations that have given me a good picture of the potential for improvement in Handball Norway. In short, we go into a new season with top motivation so that together we can contribute to the growth and development of handball.
Wishing you all a great summer!
Courtesy Bjarte Myrhol