The Netherlands
€ 9,2
€ 110
€ 66
€ 790
€ 116
€ 1 390
Learn Handball AS
NO 917 044 805 MVA
Vardeveien 52B
1182 Oslo
No items found.
€ 9,2
€ 110
€ 66
€ 790
€ 116
€ 1 390
Learn Handball AS
NO 917 044 805 MVA
Vardeveien 52B
1182 Oslo
No items found.
€ 9,2
€ 110
€ 66
€ 790
€ 116
€ 1 390
Learn Handball AS
NO 917 044 805 MVA
Vardeveien 52B
1182 Oslo
9,2 CHF
110 CHF
ab 50 CHF
ab 590 CHF
ab 83 CHF
ab 990 CHF
Learn Handball GmbH
USt-ID CHE-497.245.659
Waldeggstrasse 3
3800 Interlaken
No items found.
€ 9,2
€ 110
€ 66
€ 790
€ 116
€ 1 390
Learn Handball GmbH
USt-ID CHE-497.245.659
Waldeggstrasse 3
3800 Interlaken
No items found.
€ 9,2
€ 110
€ 66
€ 790
€ 116
€ 1 390
Learn Handball AS
Org. number NO 917 044 805 MVA
Vardeveien 52B
1182 Oslo
No items found.
€ 9,2
€ 110
€ 66
€ 790
€ 116
€ 1 390
Learn Handball GmbH
USt-ID CHE-497.245.659
Waldeggstrasse 3
3800 Interlaken
4 990,–
9 990,–
Learn Handball AS
CVR nr. NO 917 044 805 MVA
Oldager alle 10
6900 Skjern
No items found.
1 090,–
7 390,–
1 241,–
14 890,–
Learn Handball AS
Org. nr. 917 044 805 MVA
Margit Hansens gate 3
0190 Oslo
Vardeveien 52B
1182 Oslo

Put your skills to the test with Learn Handball awards

Learn Handball Awards

The Learn Handball Awards are created so that kids can experience mastery and have something to reach for. We have made individual technique challenges adapted to the children´s level. The exercises can be done with the whole team and/or motivate them to practice at home.

The Learn Handball Awards are challenges with four different difficulty levels mestringsnivåer (Bronze, Silver, Gold and Champion). Complete the different levels and earn prizes.

In Learn Handball all of our exercises comes with a written description and videos starring Hennry Reistad, Sebastian Barthold and Sander Sagosen, to mention a few. You can find the prizes below

See highlight below or log in to watch all of the videos.

Sander Sagosen

Jeg gjorde trening til en lek, og hadde det bare morsomt

Læringsutbyttet for barn er størst når den indre motivasjonen er høy. Den forsterkes med eksterne insentiver i form av premier ved at barna når et oppnåelig mål. I Learn Handball har vi fokus på lærerike og morsomme øvelser for at barna skal trives og oppleve mestring med håndball.


Here you can download a scorecard. A list that helps you keep track of the different exercises, and write down what the players complete.

Out tip is to divide the arena into different areas where you can try out the different challenges. Give each player a scorecard. Vi recommend using coaches/other adults to help out with the logistics. All of the challenges are of course filmed and comes with a detailed description in Learn Handball. Remember to share everything the other coaches/parents in the Learn Handball app.



We have made diplomas and logos that you can print on t-shirts. Bring the files to a local printer and make a good deal with them. Diplomas and t-shirts are our suggestions, but you can be creative as well.

Prizes are fun for the children, especially when they have achieved something big. The cool t-shirt is a good reminder and a “trophy”.

All diplomas and t-shirt logos are available in Bronze, Silver, Gold and Champion.
